About Us

Hey there! Thanks so much for joining us and for checking out the about us page! We’re a family living in mid-Michigan. We spend our days raising our kiddos and enjoying the good gift of work and productivity–both inside the home and out.

Everyday life for us looks like running a business, working on projects on our property, lots of cooking in the kitchen, spending as much time together as possible, enjoying our friends and family, and seeking to bring our children up “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4).

Why ‘A Productive Household’?

As a family, we’re grateful for the opportunity to produce value – especially when we get to do so together. We’re on a mission to continually transform our home into a place of value, productivity, life, action, and connection.

We’ve felt discontented with the norm of how society sees the home. Sadly, the outside of the home is often seen as no more than simply a status symbol. The inside is merely a place to take respite from daily mundane labor, satiate the desire to overindulge in any comfort that will distract from real life, and bide time before the cycle of work begins again the next day. Because of this, individuals and families end up bored and lacking direction. They miss out on enjoying the family and the good gifts given by God.

In the fourth commandment, we are told to rest from our labors one day in seven. The implication of this is that the other six days are given to us that we should work.

Work is a natural, necessary, and even morally good part of the creation order. It is not a result of the fall that we must work. Even before the fall, Adam and Eve were told to work the earth and to subdue it. The difference now is that post-fall, we labor and eat by “the sweat of [our] brow” (Genesis 3:19).

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Taking the first steps toward making your home more productive is mostly about knowing where to start. These six easy ideas will give you ideas for how to make small changes in your day that can add up to big results.

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About Us – What We Believe

We believe that the family unit is a vital part of a productive society. The family was designed to work together to create value, subdue the earth, and grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. The home is where this starts!

We approach this issue (and all others) from a distinctively Christian worldview within the confessionally Reformed and Presbyterian tradition. This is an implicit part of how we discuss and think through the concept of a productive household. If you find yourself here without sharing that worldview, we hope that, by God’s common grace, you can still glean helpful insights into making your home a center of productivity and value.

What To Expect From Us

We know what it’s like to feel frustrated by a home that seems directionless or a family that feels like it’s constantly in the midst of a rat race. That’s why we’re striving to migrate our lives closer to the home and family.

The ways in which we write about having a productive household are somewhat broad in scope. From everyday recipes to homesteading ideas to practical tips on how to make and save money at home, we hope that the things we’ve found helpful for our family will be helpful for yours.

By no means have we ‘arrived’. On the contrary, there are so many things we wish to learn and grow in at home related to raising a family, producing food, generating income through our home, and balancing our leisure with our work. However, there are many ideas and concepts we’ve come to utilize that we feel can be helpful for others pursuing the same goals we seek to achieve. This blog is an attempt to share those ideas, concepts, tips, and tricks we’ve learned thus far in our mission to be A Productive Household.

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What is the nuclear Family?

The nuclear family refers to the most fundamental family unit – a husband, wife, and their children.
Check out our nuclear family archives to read more of our thoughts about this essential unit – the heart of society.