How to Make Dehydrated Bananas
Dried banana chips are one of the easiest dehydrated foods to make. They’re super simple to slice, they don’t need to be soaked before dehydrating, and they’re also incredibly inexpensive. Plus, they’re healthy–it’s just bananas! Here’s how to make your own dehydrated bananas.

Do homemade banana chips taste better?
I have to say with honesty that I do not like banana chips from the store. They taste weird and dry and somehow flavorless. But dehydrating your own banana chips almost tastes like a different food than store-bought altogether. They are so delicious.
Are dehydrated bananas healthy?
Bananas are full of fiber, potassium, folate, and antioxidants. They support gut health, are good for your heart, and can boost your energy. If you’re looking for a cheap, healthy snack, banana chips are a perfect choice!
(We love dehydrated apple chips too — but making bananas is even easier!)
How to make dehydrated bananas in a dehydrator
- Peel your bananas.
- Slice them into coins about 1/4″ thick.
- Next, spread them on your dehydrator trays. They can be close, but not on top of each other.
- Lastly, set your dehydrator to 135 degrees. Check them after 6 hours. You may need more of less time depending on the thickness of your bananas and number of trays you’re using.
How to make dehydrated bananas FAQ

How many bananas does it take to fill a tray?
It takes approximately 4 bananas to fill a 13.5″ tray in our Nesco dehydrator.

How long does it take to dehydrate bananas?
We like our bananas to be somewhat chewy, which takes about 6 hours. If you like a more crunchy banana chip, leave them in for longer. The time will also depend on the thickness of your chips and the number of trays you fill.
How much does it cost to make dehydrated bananas?
We buy our bananas at Aldi for $0.44 per pound. This comes out to about $0.18 per half cup serving of dehydrated bananas.

Dehydrated Banana Chips
Dried banana chips are one of the easiest dehydrated foods to make. They're super simple to slice, they don't need to be soaked before dehydrating, and they're also incredibly inexpensive. Plus, they're healthy--it's just bananas! Here's how to make your own dehydrated bananas.
- 8 bananas
- Food dehydrator
- Remove peels and slice bananas into 1/4" slices
- Fill dehydrator tray without overlapping any banana chips
- Set dehydrator to 135 degrees. Check after 6 hours. Dry longer for crunchier banana chips.
8 bananas fills about 2 trays in our Nesco dehydrator.